Decided it was time to replace my old tri band 3 element beam with something better, so I picked up a Log Periodic from Tennadyne Here are some construction pictures!
Here are the boom sections put together along with the first section of each element.
These are the elements, all assembled and ready.
This plastic tongue, is where the Collins balun will go.
An example of a boom splice and spacer. You'll notice that I've sealed all of the bolt heads.
Tower cranked down and over, ready for installation.
Now, I start installing elements.
Half installed, I spin the antenna so I can reach the bottom.
A quick pic showing the seal job I did between the element sections
Job all done. The pics make it look easy, but it actually took me 5 days! (Remember, I did all this from a wheelchair, you can put it together in an afternoon!) Note: I've had this antenna up for over 15 years with thousands and thousands of contacts, and I continue to be very pleased with it. This is a top quality product that you should go buy right now!! |
6 meter "Hentenna"
My new FT-710 has the 6 meter band that I've never had before, so I dug through the barn and cobbled together what is called a "Hentenna." *(hen in Japanese means strange!) Invented in Japan in the early 70's, it's basically a full wave loop, but transmits a horizontally polorized signal to the front and rear. Mounted on the ground here for tuning and testing, I'll likely hang it from a tree pointing north and south.
The antenna is built from 1/2 inch EMT conduit, and is supported by 1 1/4 inch PVC water pipe!
160 meter Double Bazooka from