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Who Was That Guy?

W4SUL Rotating hamisms

I'm a retired broadcast engineer, now full time hobby farmer.

I QSL 100% via Logbook of the World or (No bureau)

Enjoy exploring my site, and feel free to comment!


LoTW Search Tool

Since nobody else had, I've written a Logbook of the World , Firefox search tool. I find it very handy when looking at web based spots. Info on the tool and how to set it up can be found HERE

Mozilla has accepted my search tool on their Firefox web site. Please RATE the tool on the Mozilla site.


The Amateur's Code


The Radio Amateur is:


CONSIDERATE...never knowingly operates in such a way as to lessen the pleasure of others.

LOYAL...offers loyalty, encouragement and support to other amateurs, local clubs, and the American Radio Relay League, through which Amateur Radio in the United States is represented nationally and internationally.

PROGRESSIVE...with knowledge abreast of science, a well-built and efficient station and operation above reproach.

FRIENDLY...slow and patient operating when requested; friendly advice and counsel to the beginner; kindly assistance, cooperation and consideration for the interests of others. These are the hallmarks of the amateur spirit. is an avocation, never interfering with duties owed to family, job, school or community.

PATRIOTIC...station and skill always ready for service to country and community.


--The original Amateur's Code was written by Paul M. Segal, W9EEA, in 1928.--


A wise man, knows Jesus



Ride the Wave of Ham Radio